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Electrical_Number187 t1_j73ch6x wrote

The people on here down playing the PATH are probably not accustomed to how efficient the subway actually is. The PATH honestly ruins my day every single day I have to take it

Im also wondering how long ago the people on here commenting have taken the path. My experience is from June 2022 to November 2022.

I don’t want you to make the same mistake! I did so much research prior to moving to JC and I thought I could trust peoples comments. The path truly does not run every 20 min that late despite what they are saying in here!


FinalIntern8888 t1_j76xg7w wrote

Yeah I’m so confused what people are saying. It’s every 40 minutes late at night, with an extra ten minutes spent going through HBK


Electrical_Number187 t1_j7brpo5 wrote

Don’t even get me started at stopping at Hoboken and sitting for 10 min. I’ve never in my life experienced something like that and they have enough commuters to be running 2 trains at night it’s so ridiculous