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AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j7p1ypm wrote

TIL Kyle Rittenhouse moved to JC.


Finesseer t1_j7pgngc wrote

Just roll over and get beat up by a gang of high schoolers, you pansy


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j7pydxh wrote

Make one little joke about a guy's post history and all of the insecure little shits come out of the woodwork.

You sound triggered jerkoff, nobody is rolling over. Fact is the odds we're against this guy.

All that happened was some words said and some shit thrown at them. Not fun but also better than ending up in the hospital, the morgue, jail, in a lawsuit, or even sitting in your house with a black eye.

He did the right thing by not engaging.

There's nothing but downsides to it. If you beat up a bunch of kids, you beat up kids. If you get beaten up, you got your ass kicked by a bunch of kids. Both scenarios because even though you're a grown ass adult, you've got a fragile ego that can't handle mean words.

You don't know WHY they're baiting you. Maybe one has a gun or a knife or there's a bunch of their friends down the block with baseball bats.

Hustle up and GTFO of there, you're not getting a check at the end of that fight. As long as no one gets hurt, who fucking cares?

If they grab you, then beat their asses, but that's not what happened here so shut your pie hole and go live your revenge fantasy somewhere else.
