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bodhipooh t1_j7uu3zr wrote

If you want real savings, shop at target with a Target branded card. You will get the standard 5% discount, plus the lower sales tax, for an equivalent 10.8% discount.


SadMaverick t1_j7uulzl wrote

You can also take it a step further by shopping at the Microcenter in Paterson. 5% discount on their card + just 3.5% sales tax.


bodhipooh t1_j7v8q9a wrote

Sure, but can you also get Legos, milk, and makeup while you pick up the latest Apple gadget at Microcenter? ;)


Brudesandwich t1_j7xirds wrote

You can take it a step further by slheading to the mall and using the five finger discount


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j8585f4 wrote

Targets pricing more than incorporates those saving for everything except it’s own house brands and clothing. You’ll still do better pricing on Amazon every day of the week regardless of sale. Targets business model is impulse purchases.