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Neat-Consequence-899 t1_j80wfvm wrote

almost got hit earlier in downtown because some dumbass doesnt know what yield to pedestrians means


oekel t1_j818kd6 wrote

inb4 some carbrain says something like “never walk in front of a car unless it’s completely stopped” which, newsflash, is basically never because drivers don’t properly yield


choogle t1_j814gfh wrote

lol some ass that was stuck in a crosswalk literally backed into me and gave me the finger because my backpack slammed into his car. lmao ok buddy if I did it on purpose I would’ve aimed for your taillight or side window.


Muchamuchacha42 t1_j84518g wrote

I'm so sorry this happened. It's easy to be a bully when encased in 2,000 pounds of steel.