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Ainsel72l t1_j8groyf wrote

Unfortunately, none of this is new. One comment, or a million, the PA knows they've got you over a barrel because the other options to cross the river are even worse. Just pray they never go on strike again.


FinalIntern8888 t1_j8ir31e wrote

Why are you downvoted lol the PATH is the only game in town and they know they can do whatever they want since they don’t have to answer to anyone


Ainsel72l t1_j8khoyu wrote

I am not surprised by that. I'm raining on their parade. Sadly, PATH shows no sign of changing, and even worse, it doesn't have to because despite its many faults and crap night/weekend service, the PA knows they really have no competition.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_j8hvwm6 wrote

The PA and the people who would strike are not the same.


Ainsel72l t1_j8hwhys wrote

Yes. I should have said PATH train conductors and engineers. I didn't mean to imply that. Sorry if I was confusing.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_j8i606b wrote

All good, I misunderstood too :)

(A strike would be such a huge mess and inconvenience, I think people around here would get so pissed, so fast. Important to remember who the real enemy is!)


Ainsel72l t1_j8ilih8 wrote

There was a big strike in the late 70s, I think, right on the heels of a subway strike. It lasted about 2 months. In July - during a garbage strike in NYC. Everyone had to crush into busses in the Port Authority. Heat wave + piles of garbage + busses packed like sardine cans. My direct route to/from the bus was through Hell's Kitchen - which lived up to its name. Ugh.