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squee_bastard t1_j8zbikv wrote

I don’t know about that, I’m also in a large “luxury building” downtown and I didn’t get an increase when i renewed in 2021. I can’t imagine that the giant corporation that owns my building did that out of the kindness of their heart when they nickel and dime us on everything. Back then I was told that they could not raise my rent at the time, so last year I ended up getting a 15% increase instead to recoup costs.


bodhipooh t1_j8zs5lt wrote

Everybody was getting deals in 2021. The rental market was in the shitter.
It’s an indisputable fact that there was no restriction on rent increases for regular market rate apartments. The rent increase restriction was for rent controller units and units in non owner occupied dwellings of 1 to 4 units. I even gave you a source. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact.


SouthernSample t1_j91hcyo wrote

> I’m also in a large “luxury building” downtown and I didn’t get an increase when i renewed in 2021.

and you assumed that's because the govt forced them and not because the occupancy rates encouraged property owners to keep the rents low? This is not something that is subject to interpretation.