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OP t1_j8y9i88 wrote

Did you seriously pull out two lines instead of looking at all of that data? Sigh.


t1_j8yg74y wrote

I did read the whole article, idk why you’re acting like it’s a definitive statement. They’re also not comparing change in density,

> For a city supporting 20,000 people, moving from low rises to high rises without changing the density results in 140% more carbon emissions.


> Ultimately, how tall a city should build depends on multiple environmental and socioeconomic factors, including affordable housing needs and greening efforts.

Nowhere in the article Did it say mid rise builds are superior to high rises in all cases. Also show me how you could fit more units on this land while also keeping the low rise plaza and green space


t1_j8yfvwm wrote

No point in arguing with the deranged yimbys in this sub. These people think driving a car makes you worse than hitler.
