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nasty_brutish_longer t1_j8yoizv wrote

Replying to everything here to avoid multiple threads.

Shadow maps abound. From what I'm seeing you'll get early morning shade in the northwest corner of the park, so you're correct. But it only affects a sliver of the park and won't affect flora or recreational use in any meaningful way.

I would prefer midrise there as well, but you won't get 420 units out of it on that plot. I don't like the surface parking, but otherwise this is a good plan at ground level.

Trepidation is a reaction to any undesirable outcome, whether reasonable or not. And I don't think it's unreasonable to prefer midrise. That said, the urbanist pubs you cite, much as I tend to agree them, are neither data nor best practices in any practical sense.


Jctexan OP t1_j8yplmn wrote

trepidation noun trep·​i·​da·​tion ˌtre-pə-ˈdā-shən Synonyms of trepidation 1 : a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : APPREHENSION

I’m not uncertain as to why I don’t want it. Please can we stop explaining words to each other? Everyone has google, right?

I do not think this is the best we can do as a community. I think we can do better. I’m still waiting to hear why this should be a high-rise, rather than a mid-rise. I cannot understand why the playground should be without light in the morning so a few people can stare at NYC or DTJC skyline from their window? It doesn’t make any sense.


nasty_brutish_longer t1_j8ysypt wrote

The outcomes you're claiming are not certain. I think you're flailing here.


Jctexan OP t1_j8yt71z wrote

So you can’t think of a reason why this is passing the planning board. Got it. No worries. I don’t think anyone can. Hence my post.
