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glasssa251 t1_jdhy40j wrote

Something similar happened to me years ago. I accidentally grabbed my mom's unlimited card because we both had one, but hers had a senior discount and mine didn't. Got caught with it and was given a ticket with an option to fight it. I went in to fight the charges, and ended up having it dropped because the officer forgot to write on the ticket what I was being ticketed for. My advice, read the ticket thoroughly.


FinalIntern8888 t1_jdizi52 wrote

How on earth did they know you were using hers? Does it say “senior” when you tap through the turnstile?


glasssa251 t1_jdj25p7 wrote

Apparently it's a special colored light that goes off when you go through the turnstiles when you have a senior pass


dedbutalive OP t1_jdi9sfa wrote

It’s so light I can’t make a single word of it.


glasssa251 t1_jdiakt9 wrote

Is there contact info on the top of the ticket? You can call or email and ask for a copy