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edgertor t1_jdbiymv wrote

do i boycott 902, or show up and ask difficult questions?


glo46 t1_jdcq1hg wrote

Protest against Paul firedouch at 902 to kill the vibe and show that he isn't welcomed.

Boycotting 902 distracts from the actual root issue, which is fireturd


[deleted] t1_jdd0jkw wrote



jerseycityfrankie t1_jdd70sg wrote

“Assault on the venues”? What are you talking about? Some kind of weird “yes we took the money to host this attack on democracy, but.....something something we’re the real victims here”?


sutisuc t1_jdd5u98 wrote

I’m sorry what’s an “assault on a venue”?


BrewedInJerseyCity t1_jdd5wy5 wrote

This thread lol


fruit__gummy t1_jdd9zkc wrote

you all want to host an event which is actively harmful to the community and then claim you’re being ASSAULTED for backlash? these are the predictable consequences of your actions

if people being mean to you online is assault then what do you call it when a billionaire tries to tear down a public good so they can make more profit?


sutisuc t1_jddilzt wrote

Yeah but the words HURT his FEELINGS! It was also a hate crime cause he…hated it.


njkid30 t1_jdd9jst wrote

Lol I mean you should clearly see that a billionaire's astroturf org is using you to push his agenda so he can continue to hoard wealth by using public resources. But hey, both sides am I right?