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BrewedInJerseyCity t1_jdcd2w8 wrote

Hi, 902 Brewing here. Here’s brutal honesty: we are over worked small business owners that put insane hours in to run an honest business. If someone inquires to host an event, we do a 10 second skim to make sure it’s nothing hateful. In this instance, “people park” sounded harmless enough so we said sure. Plus we respect Coach Hurley. We’re not into politics and quite honestly have no idea if they are/what they’re doing. We had a sustainable JC Meet-Up last night, and a real estate meet up the night before. It’s not an endorsement of anything. Want to host a Disney themed bday party for yourself? Happy to oblige.


el_tigrox OP t1_jdcdjfv wrote

Totally hear you about maybe being duped by an organization that sounds good on paper, but has deep ties to wanting to forever change the park by adding stadiums, race tracks and commercial elements in the name of “people.” And it’s good that people can use your business as a community space. But now that you have a bit more information about this event - will you cancel it?


[deleted] t1_jdcgafl wrote



el_tigrox OP t1_jdcgmto wrote

Seems like it unfortunately. “Oops our bad” window dressing, and a healthy degree of spin. Want to give the benefit of the doubt here, but after the initial comment, and the “Not political” thing, seems like the plot got lost a bit.


RAWisROLLIE t1_jdcu2fi wrote

But now you know some of the facts, or are choosing to ignore them. I sympathize with your dilemma, but it's OK to disagree with their platform out loud.


shanes3t t1_jdchxie wrote

Admitting that you'd take anyone's money because you didn't bother to research and don't care where it's from is not the flex you think it is.


sutisuc t1_jdcwbam wrote

LOL “not into politics” in 2023


[deleted] t1_jdd98tp wrote

Why do you have to be interested in politics in 2023? It's such a toxic subject that I don't blame a lot of people for investing their energy elsewhere.


Organic-Hovercraft-3 t1_jdey2uo wrote

Because politics has bleed into every aspect of life. Guns in schools, gender, abortions, taxes for the wealthy. It's unavoidable.


[deleted] t1_jdhlo2m wrote

Be careful what you wish for. If you force everyone into it you may not like the political outcome


fruit__gummy t1_jdcl4wk wrote

So now that you know you are hosting an event that’s harmful to your community, you’ll cancel it right? ….right?


yethica t1_jdczdn5 wrote

This, frankly, sounds like a cop out. If you're not into politics, then don't host an event like this. And do more research than a 10 second skim when it's something to do with the community you are in and the people who frequent your establishment. Besides... a 10 second skim would have immediately brought up all of the information about this. You were intellectually lazy about this. Own that you effed up. Cancel the event. Do better.


shrillbill t1_jdd9xa6 wrote

Cancel the event and I'll come spend $100 if you host a Friend's of LSP event


TastyCuttlefish t1_jddcazv wrote

This isn’t the same as a regular corporate event. It is a political event giving a platform to a group that is very opposed to a large chunk of your customer base and is aiming at closing off a decent portion of public park space for the benefit of a few very wealthy people. You should always investigate political groups seeking to utilize your venue.

Your response makes sense as a regular person. You aren’t a regular person in this situation, though. You are a member of the community and depend on that community for your business and employees. Given the pain already felt due to rampant inflation and the pandemic, and given the darker economic situation on the horizon, it would be prudent to consider the longer term effects of your actions. Recessions decimate discretionary income. Breweries are very much dependent on discretionary income. This isn’t a good time to alienate patrons.


lordleft t1_jdcnoum wrote

I honestly sympathize with you. I strongly oppose efforts to privatize LSP and will vote against it/support politicians who oppose it, but I don't see much wrong with a group of private citizens assembling at a brewery to advocate for a political cause, even if I disagree with that cause. And I don't think you're unethical for hosting them either.


BBFshul71 t1_jdcv1kk wrote

So long as you’re not donating to them I don’t see a problem. Because it’s an event that the public can access, 902 is also giving a platform to those that disagree with the group and want to come to speak against them. 902 is a good local business that makes good beer. There is no reason to go after them when you can just go after the shit-head politician instead


MrLurker698 t1_jdcgc5x wrote

Don’t let a few anonymous people on Reddit instill fear in you over this. Nobody who was actually going to visit 902 is going to avoid your business over letting a group host an event that those people don’t agree with. Just don’t make any donations. Charge them full price!


el_tigrox OP t1_jdcgv6q wrote

I go there pretty often, have enjoyed music on the roof, and make sure to pick up their beer in cans in the local stores, because it is inherently a good thing to support local businesses, but this is a big local issue, and depending upon where they really fall on it - that will absolutely change my habits. There’s more local beer to buy than beer that supports this cause.


GreenTunicKirk t1_jdco7dk wrote

Departed Souls has a really good lineup, and their taproom is certainly cozy. Easier to get food near by, too.


[deleted] t1_jdcgu3f wrote



[deleted] t1_jdd9v8f wrote

>So you promote privatization of the park?



MrLurker698 t1_jdcjklv wrote

No, I support local businesses. It’s different but you seam to be closed minded and unable to empathize with a business owner who clearly didn’t know what they accepted. See the situation, not just the outcome. You’ll be a happier person.


[deleted] t1_jdcjxok wrote



MrLurker698 t1_jdcotic wrote

I know what this is and I don’t support it. I don’t understand why any member of the public would support it.

I’m not saying give them 3 chances. I’m saying give them this one. If you’ve spent time there, you would agree that there is no way the staff would support this cause if they knew what they were signing up for.

If they host more events now that they know, feel free to judge. Gotta give everyone a chance.

It’s not fair to assume that anybody knows anything.


GreenTunicKirk t1_jdcog03 wrote

So now that the local business knows that a good number of its customer base is vocally against Fireman's park hijacking scheme, do you think they should continue to allow the event?