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mikevago OP t1_jck5rnn wrote

Since the article is paywalled, I"ll also share this post from Friends of Liberty State Park:

Thanks DEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette for powerfully rejecting billionaire Paul Fireman's LSP commercial venues plans! "Visions of a 5,000-seat sports arena, gone. Thoughts of a 7,000-seat concert venue, also gone. "The head of the DEP laid out general plans for the revitalization of LSP Thursday, but he was specific in saying there would be no major commercialization or privatization of the state park on the Hudson River waterfront".

“Privatization of a public asset that is owned by no one because it belongs to everyone is not a thing, period, full stop,” said DEP Commissioner Shawn LaTourette.

But we must stay involved as billionaire Paul Fireman's front groups are still pushing lies about the interior 165 acres of spectacular diverse habitats and paths, and pretending that the DEP isn't going to add 61 acres of active recreation to LSP

Please attend to support the Thursday March 23 DEP Open House from 6:30 to 8pm at the Terminal with poster exhibits of the amazing urban nature plans and improvement concepts for LSP and with DEP staff there to answer questions and receive any comments. It's an information session and not a public hearing.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_jck8g8c wrote

Thank you very much for this post.

It's my honest opinion that we don't need a rally as much as we need to speak when we go to the polls, that we want a functional police department and a fully public state park. In the end, the only things that matter are votes and dollars.


Ainsel72l t1_jclax47 wrote

Thanks so much for this tremendously good news. What a big relief.


SonOfMcGee t1_jclkbjq wrote

What a Merde! well-written and Putain! concise article. Thanks for copying it Salope!

Pardon the outbursts. I have LaTourettes.