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No-Independence194 t1_jdmc2vh wrote

I don’t agree with the rate of development in Jersey City, as the infrastructure needs have not kept pace, I.e. getting a bus from the Heights to the City. However, there is a housing crisis in America and we need more housing, not less; density is good. The cost of these apartments are not Steve Fulop’s fault. I like the guy, and I think he’s been a decent leader. But I would be shocked if a Hudson County mayor were elected to Governor - the rest of NJ is not as progressive as we think. We are lucky to have Murphy, who is extremely progressive on social issues, but kind of shitty when it comes to governing cities (see: LSP and Union Dry Dock in Hoboken).

Also, taxes. Literally all his Republican opponent needs to do is say, Look at the taxes in JC. And boom - we’re back under the rule of some shitty Chris Christie wannabe. I’m not sure Fulop is the right candidate but I hope I’m wrong!