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negativeandannoying t1_jdoko1k wrote

Wow!! Thank you for filling me in. I'm moving into JSQ after being priced out of my old spot. I really want to be a part of helping in any way that I can. The original plan sounds perfectly thought out and actually beneficial for all in both the short and long term. Do you know any steps that can be taken to possibly halt the Fireman plan (sorry, but that's his real name??)

This actually depresses me on a whole other level.... there's so much potential to do some good both environmentally and for residents. It would be a shame to lose it to more cheesy money making BS. I'm sure taxpayers will be funding it somehow as well.


nuncio_populi t1_jdoy5n6 wrote

Send emails to your local reps like Mukherji and Stack. Send an email to the Governor.

It might not hurt to email Fulop too given his ambitions for statewide office.

Consider signing up for the Friends of Liberty State Park listserv.

We also have a protest petition floating around this subreddit that I started based on the latest news.


negativeandannoying t1_jdp9ijg wrote

Ok. I'll search for the petition or you link me. Either way is fine. I can do all of these things for sure. I also read somewhere that the website for friends of liberty needs an update and my spouse is a web developer that would love to help with this if needed.