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bodhipooh t1_jcir7ag wrote

Reply to comment by njkid30 in VYV Rent Increase by Index_Positive

>multiple construction projects for the next year or two

hahahahaha!!!! lmao. Dude, that entire parking lot is going to be a construction zone for 15-20 years, at least. There are 10+ buildings going up in that area. The original plans called for 15 residential buildings, but I believe the latest revision includes only 12 or 13.


njkid30 t1_jcivwi0 wrote

Hey as long as they can improve that shit hole of a ShopRite they can down whatever


Jahooodie t1_jclmvnx wrote

In before people become nastalgic for the good old days of the shoprite- you know, before the oligarch wars, COVIDSV 37 pandemic, and the climate change levy system blocked the views