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TheBravadoBoy t1_jbzcksy wrote

White people should be able to take a joke about bland food imo. The real reason this tweet sucks is because it’s begging for disinvestment instead of proposing a responsible middle ground between NIMBYism and YIMBYism that embraces New Urbanism while protecting long term residents


Brudesandwich t1_jbzzy7v wrote

I honestly don't even see many valid reasons against "YIMBism". Even stupider when it's from someone who labels themselves as progressive.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_jc0e0ps wrote

Want to protect long term residents? Build dense housing instead of letting people build more one unit Bayonne Boxes that are net decreases in the housing stock.

In every community that's tried restrictive zoning, the end result has been mansions, not affordable housing. Jersey City still has tons of old buildings, if we ban new construction, everyone who would have moved to the new construction will move to the old homes and turn them into mansions instead.


outcome--independent t1_jc1xfhb wrote

What is YIMBYism? I've never heard that term before? "Yes in my back yard"?


JCComplainer t1_jc2yre0 wrote

Correct. YIMBYs believe that the root cause of high housing costs is a lack of supply and support policies to allow more housing to be built near places where they themselves live to reduce housing costs. For example, a core YIMBY position would be that single-family zoning is bad because it limits the the production of affordable apartments, and so a developer who wants to build an apartment building in a single-family zoned area should be allowed to do so.

This has become a byword for a certain kind of guy that the original poster refers to. For the record, I am in fact a straight white guy who rides a bike who moved from NYC, but the bike is 11 years old and it cost $600 at the time.