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BromioKalen t1_itpznt4 wrote

Rabble & Lion has a walk up window.


Ilanaspax t1_itqb77c wrote

Thank you for not being an inconsiderate asshole with a dog 🙏


ImReallyProud t1_itqsyoj wrote

Honest question is it not okay to bring dogs into coffee shops in Jersey? Moving from LA and it’s super common to bring pups into most restaurants and stores.

I don’t even have a dog, just genuinely curious as I’m moving to JC on Sunday.


Ilanaspax t1_itqv1rb wrote

If it’s a business where they are preparing food it’s a health code violation and they can get written up. If it’s a place that is just serving drinks it’s okay. Most cafes in JC also serve food - it would be easier to find a bar that allows dogs than a cafe.


Especiallymoist t1_itr7ptp wrote

As a person who really likes dogs, I don’t love it when people walk their dogs into restaurants. I’ve seen them mark/pee/poop indoors so many times and its off-putting and kind of gross. I also don’t like it when they jump on me and their dirty paws leave prints/slobber on my clothes.


ScumbagMacbeth t1_itsfp3z wrote

I love dogs. Still not over the time I saw a rambunctious dog in Bread and Salt knock stuff off shelves and lick the counter.


FinalIntern8888 t1_itregod wrote

People do it all the time in NJ/NYC but it's not legal technically.


Direct_Ad18 t1_itq2tkg wrote

Modcup has a truck outside the Westin


Basilone1917 t1_itqmxss wrote

It's at the Doubletree a block down


Direct_Ad18 t1_itqn0gd wrote

Thanks, I know I have seen it but couldn't picture exactly where it was


Basilone1917 t1_itpxyv1 wrote

The Cool Vines on Grove has a new coffee cart at their side entrance in the morning.


spitfireramrum t1_itq6vg8 wrote

Rabble has a window, I’ve seen dogs inside of dames, and eira allows dos inside as well

Edit: into the void also allows dogs I think


Ilanaspax t1_itqb4rb wrote

They aren’t allowed inside any places preparing food. Dog owners in this city seem to operate on the idea that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


doglywolf t1_itqdqi0 wrote

Non service Dogs are not legally allowed inside any place that serves food or alcohol in NJ.

The only 2 exception to , this is breweries which don't server alcohol or food and are not subject to FDA law and only the alcohol commission law which allow dogs on prem.

Private members only clubs with owners permission . Elks , Moose , Knights of Columbus etc. But subject to normal rules during public / guest events.


Some places turn a blind eye or if not blatant violation and no one is complaining its not really enforced. But in JC i can promise you there are Dog hating Karens that will IMMEDIATELY report a place when they see it .


I seen it at place that allow dogs at the outdoor seating areas ( totally legal with owners discretion ) , always eventually a Karen that complains about it.


I love find dog friendly places , like Departed soles or ed and Mary's personally


disgruntled-pelicann t1_itqp4yn wrote

good to know as I didn’t know that it was a state law. I had started to bring my small dog to lackawanna when I not only saw other dogs there on a regular basis but also the baristas giving out treats so I assumed it was not just allowed but encouraged. I would grab a coffee and go sit outside in the back or continue walking but that became my go-to coffee shop because of the convenience of being able to grab a coffee while walking my dog in the morning. Besides there I never bring my dog inside any food/drink establishment.


doglywolf t1_itqpzj6 wrote

Some coffee shops can have a loop hole too where they wont get dinged - If food is not prepared on site and brought it - its not a violation technically.

Of course they could not care because its not like there is anyone out enforcing it if no one complains .

Anywhere where food is prepared or that serves alcohol is subject to FDA rules which is no animations indoors.

Beer is regulated by alcohol commission which is ok with Pets on Perm.


edk5 t1_itt7ej7 wrote

Into the Void allows dogs inside as they don't prepare food there. Also a really cool spot.