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dreamanxiety t1_iqu00xa wrote

The Margaret Williams Theatre at New Jersey City University is supposedly haunted. I worked there for several years and can confirm weird things happening. Mostly sounds.

For example, there were many times I would be alone in the office backstage and no one else would be in the theater (we were very strict about having unauthorized people in theater) and I would hear footsteps crossing the stage. (there was an overhead microphone wired into a speaker box in the office so we could hear what was going on onstage and in the house.)

Sometimes we would hear some of the doors rattle. And a few of these doors had no access to the main building. Think loading dock type area with no access to the public. Doors could only be opened from the inside like an emergency exit, so they led from the theater directly outside.


GhostStylez22 OP t1_iquonnp wrote

My Mom and some of her cousins spent some time at NJCU, they always said the gothic style was very unwelcoming and they would get weird vibes throughout the school especially older parts of it.


dreamanxiety t1_iqvb552 wrote

i don't know if i ever found it unwelcoming, but it is definitely a product of its time. especially the buildings that were built in the 1920s.

for example, you'll find some floor tiles with swastikas on them, which is not cool today, but before 1930s germany, not so bad.


HolyShonks t1_iqwt3e9 wrote

I've heard the same. That the ghost of a custodian can be heard vacuuming