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bodhipooh t1_iu2wkkl wrote

>The very over-simplified version is that the schools are […] super expensive to run (as a result of the state cutting back its funding)

This is a bold faced lie, plain and simple. I hope OP realizes that and is not swayed by this misinform.

The school budget has nothing to do with the state cuts. The BOE sets the budget. Whether the state contributes 10%, 40%, or 90%, the budget remains the same. The only thing that changes is how much the residents have to contribute towards the schools budget via taxation. But, what the JC BOE spends per pupil is nothing short of outrageous and abusive. We are now spending 33K per student.


Affectionate-Buy2539 OP t1_iu4asc2 wrote

I have my own opinions re education so I'm mostly paying attention to info here about navigating the ballot. (Also why I didn't roll up and just ask who to vote for. But I realize I can't control if responses are tangential--reddit threads gonna reddit thread).