Submitted by XIFOD1M t3_ylduig in jerseycity

If I pay for a month’s pass to park my car, am I guaranteed a spot? Im parked there now but the whole garage seems full and im worried about about not being able to find a space when I get back because I don’t have jersey tags yet. It’d be lame to pay all that money and get nothing for it.



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flapjack212 t1_iuxyu5p wrote

you can often pay extra for a reserved spot (i.e. you park in the same spot every day) if this is a particular fear of yours for whatever reason. i have never heard of anyone not being able to find a spot in a parking structure when they are a monthly pass holder

while theoretically possible the garage manager is actively trying to manage the load. i have indeed heard of scenarios where the garage refuses to sell any more monthly spots even though there seemingly is space because they are trying to maintain the ratio of monthly vs daily users


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_iuy8emm wrote

There are garages that do this: they know everyone isn’t there all at once so they sell 5% more than they have capacity for.

Fine print says they don’t guarantee a park. You’re monthly pass is just the right to hunt for a park.

I think in some places this is actually banned now (LA maybe?). They gotta track how many cars enter/leave and not let it go over capacity. Malls can pull this shit around holidays. They let people go in even when full, find there’s no parking and leave having to pay to exit and go to another lot. Holiday surcharge and all.

I suspect for residential parking lots around here overselling isn’t the norm. I feel like we’d see regular threads if that were the case.


Miringanes t1_iv88jne wrote

My garage takes the total number of spaces, subtracts monthly spaces, reserved and non-reserved and then that’s how many daily cars they’ll allow in.


XIFOD1M OP t1_iuy0hqf wrote

Radical. Thanks for letting me know!


KustyTheKlown t1_iuy1rkt wrote

i park in an outdoor attended lot, not a garage, but same idea. we have monthly parkers and day/hourly parkers. pretty much the monthly people are allowed to go park themselves in the back rows, and the daily people need to leave their keys with the attendants and then they tetris them in like 4 cars deep, and the day parkers are supposed to notify the attendants that their coming to get their car about 20 min in advance so they can tetris it. i have never not gotten a spot in my lot. worst comes to worst i leave them my key and they tetris me. hardly ever.


MrLurker698 t1_iuyhwzl wrote

I park in a set park garage downtown. I’ve been using it for over 2 years now. One time so far I came back and there were no spots left. I just left my car not in a place where it wasn’t preventing anyone from getting out. Came back to move it the next day. No issue. I figure since I’m a monthly parker, the management can look up my phone number by my plate and call me if there’s an issue.


RPizzle213 t1_iv33uaa wrote

Not sure where "there" is but, my husband and I were able to get a monthly designated spot at The Morgan parking garage for awhile. We had to pay more though because we are not residents of the building. It was it worth it to us though to have a set spot to park when coming home and such.