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oldnewspaperguy2 t1_iuy4n43 wrote

This is how you get a disgruntled voting populace that guts the public school system. Jersey City in particular.

Our schools are embarrassingly bad while costing a fortune per pupil.


jcskunk t1_iuy96yx wrote

I don't disagree, but this is about public worker pensions in general. It's all of them. Teachers, police, firefighters. Where they forget to remind everyone how expensive the pensions and benefits are while they complain about early career lower salaries.


rubensinclair t1_iuyc4jx wrote

I’m sorry, why do they get pensions while the rest of us have to hand over money to bankers playing roulette?


nycnola t1_iuyf720 wrote

Because they can and we, voters, let them.


sutisuc t1_iuygjcn wrote

Cause they get paid much less than they would in the private sector so those losses are exchanged for better benefits and a pension. If you want a pension you can get a public sector job.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iuz5463 wrote

I don't buy this in the least. All these teachers, firemen and cops would not be investment bankers. A relative has 2 Ivy degrees, manages a couple of dozen people in private health care, doesn't make what a teacher of similar seniority would, and has nothing like the Bennies.


Crazy-Insane t1_iv4dzoq wrote

Then your relative is doing it wrong.

Sorry it had to be me to tell you, but it's true.


jcskunk t1_iuytpql wrote

There is such a thing as regulatory capture. HCDO and their cozy relationships with public sector unions is a great example.