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mr_abiLLity t1_iv5b8cn wrote

Rules once said blacks was 3/5th a person too


WorldsColliding123 t1_iv5cc0m wrote

This is poor logic. Sure there have been bad rules in the past. Sure there are still some bad rules now. That doesn’t mean that all rules should be disregarded or all rules are meaningless. The rule in question is a good one that’s intended to promote basic courtesies between people.


mr_abiLLity t1_iv5comm wrote

My point is relying on regulations for what’s best for yourself is dumb. It’s putting your personal power in the hands of a sign. Only one person is gonna stand up for self. And that’s self.


frankenberrysgrrl t1_iv6jess wrote

That wasn’t a rule, that was systemic racism specifically built to keep ex-slaves in a box. How the fuck does that even compare to wearing headphones in a public place and showing consideration for others?

You know what? I’m out because you took an unnecessary hard left turn here.