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flippenstance t1_ivdemm1 wrote

Thank you. I have no clue about the JC school board.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive2oq6 wrote

This is much more insightful, than some dude on Reddit only concerned with his tax bill.


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ive3w3h wrote

Does Nancy's kids attend JCPS, like 2 of the 3 Change for Children candidates?


rbastid t1_ive9omi wrote

Nancy is a political activist that poses as "just a working mother"

She's also a NY lawyer who expects others to pay for her kids to go to school.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive43og wrote

Yes. Which is why she is so informed. She's an actual, involved parent.


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ive49b3 wrote

Hamilton and Reyes, CFC have children in JCPS. Are they not informed and involved?


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive66bx wrote

Link me to their essays, and I'll let you know.

Having children in JCPS doesn't make you informed and involved. Being informed and involved does. 🤔


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ive6x80 wrote

Nothing in Nancy's article states she is informed. Hamilton did an AMA on here and is already on the BoE.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive70ph wrote

Lol. Interesting take away from the post. 🤔


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ive76ma wrote

Yea, learned jackshit from that article you sent.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive7i6c wrote

Oh, and for what it's worth, I also learned "jackshit" from this entire post. Previously, I didn't feel it was necessary to explicitly state that, but I want to sound cool like you.


DontBeEvil1 t1_ive78cj wrote

I am aware Hamilton is already on the BoE. He ran alongside Noemi Velazquez and they both won. His other two running mates are not on the BoE. Noemi Velazquez, again, is also on the BoE. Her other 2 running mates are not.


JerseyCity_Nuyorican t1_ive7xbg wrote

I know all of this.


DontBeEvil1 t1_iveunak wrote

As I knew Hamilton is already on the BoE. Yet you felt the need to tell me that in a comment. Which prompted me to respond to that comment. 🤔

Seems like you didnt know why I commented. It was a RESPONSE. 🤦


mikevago t1_ivg3o0n wrote

Simplest version: a billionaire developer bankrolls the Change For Children ticket every two years, on a platform of cutting school funding so there's more money to give taxx cuts to billionaire developers.

Education Matters is a ticket actually supported by educators, and the main arguments against them are Union Bad and How Dare They Spend Tax Money On Paying Teachers.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_ivganuf wrote

This makes no sense. Teachers already get paid generous pensions. That’s the deal for government employees. The pay is worse than in the private sector but you get a better pension at retirement. You can’t get better pay than the private sector and a better pension. No one is seriously expecting a tax cut. They just want accountability and not having to worry about a 15% to 35% increase in property taxes and no improved educational outcomes.


dreggers t1_ivheced wrote

imagine thinking that teachers' unions care about anything other than keeping the most tenured educators on bloated compensation plans


mikevago t1_ivhvg4m wrote

Right, it's not teachers who care about education, it's billionaire developers! Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?


dreggers t1_ivi1dxs wrote

In HS, my favorite teacher was given a pink slip because she only had 2 years of tenure, while the garbage teachers that everyone hated sat comfortably because they were mediocre for 20 years. Since then I've always voted against every teacher union.


mikevago t1_ivi84h6 wrote

And has that helped? Is putting a developer in charge of the Board of Ed going to help?


dreggers t1_iviaeas wrote

Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. Developers may not be better, but I don’t see how they are worse than a teachers union that doesn’t believe in transparency


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ivkh5d3 wrote

Technically correct.

And every time the social media push is huge to pretend this isn’t some rich person trying to get some favors for tax season.

This is an organized campaign the last two weeks on this subreddit, and if you look at their profiles. 99% of their comments are on the same topic, and are unused outside of election season.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_ivkn1g2 wrote

Or perhaps, people are talking about issues that affect everyone in Jersey City. What is so surprising about people speaking up after the 30% to 35% increase in taxes and wanting more accountability on how the money is spent. It’s kinda sad that there are parents out there that had to spend some of their children’s Christmas gift money on the outrageous BOE tax levy and yet a lot of schools don’t have clean drinking water. Talk about the BOE being the epitome of being a grinch.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ivkujam wrote

You’re entire comment history is just republicans talking points.

Let’s not distract from what it is: campaigning for elections.

Without the legally required disclosures.


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_ivkv6sl wrote

I am confused… what are you trying to say? A regular resident can’t have concerns about the way their tax money is being spent? Also all of the candidates are non partisan so why are you bringing up Rs and Ds.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_ivkx4jt wrote

Reddit gets flooded with politically funded accounts trying to push agendas days before any election.

But 99% of the time, they don’t properly disclose that they’re part of a social media campaign.