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TacoCityJC t1_ivrpjog wrote

It’s a great space. Cinelease have studios in other cities as well.


JCwhatimsayin OP t1_ivrpyqo wrote

I didn't dig into it, but I figured as much. In the video, one of the principals talks about wanting to build a sort of production community around the studio. Any idea if that has been attempted or successful around any of their other spots?


Vidvix t1_ivs0npe wrote

Video engineer and JC resident here! I’ve worked at cinelease in JC and in Covington, GA.

The Covington location was quick to get repeat productions filming multiple seasons, so Covington has had a lot of new hotels and other amenities move in in a very short period of time (amenities we already have and likely won’t really need to scale that much, as gigs between Jersey city and NYC are all still considered local for residents of either city.) the JC location would benefit from amenities closer to the actual studio itself and I could very much see them try to do something akin to Rock Lititz, which would absolutely create a community hub.

The commenter stating productions are hesitant to look outside of NYC is incorrect. The move out of NY started a decade ago with the gear suppliers moving their warehouses across the Hudson. Simply put, productions want more space for less money. There’s also the infrastructure part; it’s easier to build a new building with new electrical, a new steel grid that can hold more weight, etc. and so forth than it is to replace what’s in the current studios. There will obviously always be a ton of filming in NYC but the market demand for geographically similar but adjacent space is high, which is why cinelease made this move in the first place.


mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_ivtfaii wrote

There was a proposal for a hotel where the closed diner is. Wonder if that is happening