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possums101 t1_iwnpehb wrote

Look up the addresses for places you’re looking at on It shows you recent reported crimes in the area.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_iwns9uv wrote

That site is hopelessly in error, I would not trust it at all. I just looked and it had a shooting at "TEENS NEW HOPE LANE" marked at 6th and Coles instead of by Mercer Park! Not 1st time I've found map errors like this there.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwoemln wrote

The map relies on police doing their job, in order to be accurate. Clearly, the police chief doesn't care whether the police do their job or not, and they don't.


possums101 t1_iwohsj0 wrote

I mean I saw plenty of reported crimes on there back when I was searching for an apartment this spring. Violent crimes. So it was useful for me.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_iwom27f wrote

And how many weren't reported, because the police never show up to take a report? We just don't know


possums101 t1_iwom8mn wrote

It only takes one homicide report on a block to make me not want to live there but yeah I get it you’re not happy with the police in JC. Thanks 4 sharing.