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bindrosis t1_j1r70ro wrote

Move wherever she wants. She works at home and you’re likely never there. She wins


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j1sh728 wrote

I disagree. The person who has to commute should probably have the bigger say on location since they will have to be going in frequently.


objectimpermanence t1_j1so27p wrote

But in OP’s case, they already live in Brooklyn and commute to FiDi.

Moving to downtown JC near a PATH stop probably wouldn’t add more than 5-10 minutes to their commute. Depending on how deep in Brooklyn they live, moving to JC might even shorten their commute.


SnooChipmunks5443 t1_j1zy914 wrote

Literally should be the exact opposite, since the person working away has to actually commute ..