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Alukrad t1_j2cy2ga wrote

I think traffic cops should be more involved at the traffic lights. People don't care if the light turns red, they still continue crawling forward and blocking the other traffic trying to get through. It's chaos because if you block one road, then that road ends up backing up and blocking another road.


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j2di4r0 wrote

This is the right answer. The selfishness of people driving and honking and causing gridlock traffic because they have to make it through a light is the reason why it gets to the level that it does, especially as of late.


oekel t1_j2dsr00 wrote

The amount of times i see the last person in a queue of cars at a green light honking is out of control. Like sir, have you driven in Jersey City before? Have you driven in any city? Have you ever driven a car? The people in front need to go first.


Lowkeylowthreadcount t1_j2e4z0b wrote

It’s such a lack of common sense, it truly baffles me. I live on jersey Ave and ever since that stupid bridge extension opened, there’s been non stop people honking and yelling outside of my apartment. Drives me absolutely nuts