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Ilanaspax t1_j1jkc95 wrote

Ah yes who doesn’t love soaking up the sun at the beach or going on a long hike and then ubering(if you can find a car) back to the train station that runs on a tight schedule, and then riding the train for an hour and then waiting for the path and/or lightrail while lugging all your beach gear?😍

Sounds like a fun and relaxing day! I bet it’s even more of a blast on weekends when the schedule sucks.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j1k6q54 wrote

Beach gear? I'm carrying a chair at most and more likely only a blanket. I also don't sunbathe anyways, I walk for 2-3 hours at most. That beats hunting for parking and moving a car 4 times a week when I only use it once a week. Taking transit is also relaxation time unless you believe in the NY Post lunacy about it, unlike driving time. With the money I save I enjoy a better life on the weekdays.


Ilanaspax t1_j1nq67n wrote

Congrats? Most normal people aren’t going to the beach to “walk around for 2-3 hours” with just the clothes on their back. Its relaxing to drive back in air conditioning with room for blankets/umbrellas instead of carrying it on your back while standing in the hot sun covered in sand and waiting for a train that will be followed by atleast 1-2 transfers.

Also NYC beaches are mostly disgusting and I say that with love. They don’t even compare to jersey or Long Island. But that’s what’s nice about having a car- I can have all these options and I’m not limited to dirty beaches or whatever hikes are near a train station. It allows me to have a great quality of life 7 days a week 🥰


SouthernSample t1_j1qminz wrote

Ok, your arguments against the other commenter are getting illogical.

Most "normal people" living in the downtown do not go to the beach or whatever multiple times a week and OP has also said how they spend more and more time working. The biggest upside of living here given the high rent is not needing a car, and that's what a majority of the people in downtown JC do. If you live here and own a car, that's good for you but you're a clear minority.


Ilanaspax t1_j1qnxmp wrote

The high rent is making some of you delude yourselves into thinking JC is a booming metropolis when it really isn’t. The Path and the lightrail (the two major public transit options that people in JC rely on) absolutely suck on weekends.

The point is with no car you are absolutely limiting yourself if you have a normal 9-5 week day job. If you want to be stuck in downtown JC waiting for the path to go anywhere else on a weekend- have fun with that! I personally find living in a “city” and still relying on Amazon instead of being able to drive to a store to do my own shopping to be pretty bleak (which is what almost everyone without a car is admitting in this thread).

Also should be noted there are parts of JC where public transit sucks 24/7 and you genuinely do need a car to work and have a life - so if you move out of downtown that is something to think of.


SouthernSample t1_j1qo9gs wrote

Well, that's your opinion. A majority of residents in JC disagree with them being inconvenient to the point of needing a car. I don't think it would make sense to suggest a car as long as 100% of the residents feel that they don't need one given what OP has stated about themselves.


Ilanaspax t1_j1qp8ge wrote

The path and lightrail schedule being terrible on weekends is a fact not an opinion.

And I hate to break it to you buddy but people using JC Reddit does not equal “the majority of residents in JC”. Take a walk outside of downtown JC sometime - there’s a whole big world out there.


SouthernSample t1_j1qpf9d wrote

OP lives in Grove street's XX Columbus building. Keep your advice to yourself since neither OP nor I find any use with it, "buddy".


Ilanaspax t1_j1qpzdj wrote

You’ll probably want to start your errands early today- looks like the path is using the holiday schedule and stopping in hoboken even though it’s Monday. Have fun!