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OP t1_j06p48l wrote

Thank you and everyone else for the helpful feedback. I do have a bin. I just place my plastic/glass/aluminum/paper recyclables inside of a plastic trash bag and put the bag inside the bin, all of my residential neighbors do the same thing so I didn’t think it was an issue. But based on all the feedback it seems that I should either stop using bags altogether or use clear bags.


t1_j086s8h wrote

You’re bundling the cardboard in with everything else. Theres a separate truck for just cardboard. Just put the cardboard out separately.


t1_j079rq1 wrote

The major thing is to keep cardboard separate from the rest (different bin/ even on the ground is fine). I’ve used bags for plastic/glass/aluminum and they take it.

They won’t take anything if cardboard is mixed with the rest in the same bin or bag