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TheTuccIsLoose t1_j23no5d wrote

I agree that South Orange, Montclair, west orange, and Bloomfield are all solid options depending on budget. Just want to add that Maplewood is a cool town too and it’s right in the area


DavidPuddy666 t1_j23pca9 wrote

Maplewood is a good town with lots of culture but is decidedly quieter and less urban-feeling than the ones mentioned above - it’s mostly classic early 1900s suburbia. It shares a school district with South Orange though and the two towns function as one in many ways.


TheTuccIsLoose t1_j23s8n2 wrote

I’m from South Orange originally. I always thought that Maplewood had more going on, but I haven’t spent significant time in the area since 2008 so maybe things changed or my memory is wrong


DavidPuddy666 t1_j245img wrote

Things have flip flopped a bit. All the new apartments in South Orange have meant SO has gotten younger and more hip, while Maplewood’s NIMBYism has meant it has just gotten older and wealthier. The trajectory is not dissimilar to how Hoboken has gotten wealthier and stuffier (RIP Maxwell’s) while Jersey City has became more culturally relevant.