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t1_j6ox39f wrote

The amount of crime that happens in this city, murders, robberies etc that go under reported or in many cases unreported is staggering and plain dangerous all for the benefit of keeping a squeaky clean political image. It’s disgusting


t1_j6ozd6y wrote

You really think murders are being unreported?


t1_j6p0dic wrote

100%. Why not release monthly quarterly crime stats like every other city in this country? Instead I’ll have to wait until end of year to get some bogus stat that can be on a political flyer or commercial. Instead I have to hope it comes to me via some algo in Nextdoor or Twitter


t1_j6p1yo7 wrote

What murders are going unreported. Please let us know


t1_j6p33n4 wrote

Let’s clarify. Some crime is being unreported to the public in a timely and safe manner. Not implying people are being murdered and not being counted. This city refuses to release crime statistics in accordance to how just about every big city does. That’s the issue I have. Notice I mentioned robberies in my sentence as well. Don’t just jump to conclusions here