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Alert-Ad4070 OP t1_j2uea3t wrote

Is this a joke 👀 I said affordable.


ceeyell t1_j2uls7t wrote

There is “affordable” and there is “high quality” in the vicinity of JC but you have to choose one, both don’t exist.


will0w27 t1_j2wkbmx wrote

Bet bet is to buy everything but produce at one of the suggested supermarkets and get your produce at a fruit stand if you want to be cost effective. Think 6 limes for $2 vs. $5+ at the supermarket.


ceeyell t1_j2wmua0 wrote

Hate to say it but all of the produce I’ve ever bought in JC at those little outdoor stands (not farmer’s markets, the small partially outdoor markets that are common in the McGinley Sq area) is either already bad on the shelf or goes bad within 2 days of buying it or the taste is awful. It’s not saving money if you have to re-purchase the same stuff twice in the same week because the quality is so bad. Same goes for Central Square in JSQ. After 2+ years of crappy wilted lettuce and soft onions, I gave up entirely on buying produce in this area outside of the farmer’s market.


will0w27 t1_j2zq7q9 wrote

Fair the mcginley sq markets are just gross. I found one in the heights that is pretty good. I wouldn’t buy strawberries there, but it’s cost effective for most produce that had a longer shelf life (green onions, garlic, bananas, oranges, potatoes, apples, etc.)