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EyesOnImprovement OP t1_j64gu7w wrote

Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the situation he has the city by the balls. They'll settle rather than have to deal with this minefield in court.

Why the 6 hour gap between the incident and reporting it?

Was there any contact or indirect communication between the police and Degise prior to her making the report?

Was Amy driving on a suspended license as indicated by her ticket history?

Was her car actually impounded in Hoboken or did John Allen pull strings for her?


BlueBeagle8 t1_j64jjn0 wrote

I am very much not a lawyer, but I don't see how any of this would make the city liable for $1 million in damages? Aside from the unanswered question of whether she communicated with police, these are all Degise problems not JC problems.


doglywolf t1_j64ocdr wrote

This should not be a city / tax payer issue. This should be 100% civil issue.

She was not in the act of preforming duties for the city nor on official city business. I don't think the city is liable here


Tankmaster5000 t1_j64lh6f wrote

Did it state that he's suing the City? If so, how?

You can't sue the city because a city employee who works at the water treatment plant hits you with their car, for example.


EyesOnImprovement OP t1_j65fjyl wrote

Holy fuck. This went from 10 upvotes to -2.
Looks like I touched a nerve or 12.