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SonOfMcGee t1_j3pagay wrote

The gross disintegrating exterior is funny, but in the grand scheme of things is probably cheap enough to fix and finish, right?
Makes me wonder what serious, non-cosmetic things are wrong with the building.


objectimpermanence t1_j3pcyfs wrote

The chunks of missing facade material probably make it easier for moisture to get into the walls and such.

I think there’s a saying that moisture is a building’s worst enemy or something like that.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a bunch of hidden water damage there. Especially if the building has been closed up for several years with no HVAC system running to control humidity inside.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j3pcgux wrote

I dunno, ever gotten exterior prices? I would not be surprised if stripping and redoing that was well into 6 figures. Every time I walk past it seeing the failing exterior makes me queasy, some contractor told the owner that he knew how to do that, no problem! I paid a mason to do front stairs work and 4 years later it was way worse than when he started.

I've long described hiring contractors like flinging yourself off a cliff into the ocean and hoping a wave is covering the rocks when you hit. Even good ones leave you easter eggs you find years later...