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bodhipooh t1_j6kjhb5 wrote

>If I left my heat on 66 I’m pretty sure any leftover water would freeze lol.

I guess basic, high school chemistry was not your thing.

The Morgan was built quite some time ago, so there is good historical data for what previous tenants in your unit were consuming in terms of energy. Reach out to PSE&G and ask about previous usage in terms of kWh and see how you compare. But, based on on your other responses, I think you are using way too much electricity by keeping your heat way too high.


Big_Project8852 OP t1_j6kl4mk wrote

No I was more focused on coding, you miserable fuck.


bodhipooh t1_j6m4tqc wrote

You mad, bro? I mean, I guess I would also be mad to be too dumb to be a coder who can’t Google basic shit.