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DRZ36 t1_j6wdusx wrote

Boston is part of Greater Worcester


MikeD123999 t1_j6wgtzi wrote

Yes, worcester should be the capitol. Easier to get to if you are coming from the western part of the state, less crowded, less crime. Boston is easier if you are coming from the middle of the ocean where nobody lives


AnyRound5042 t1_j6x4uq5 wrote

Surprise surprise, that's where everybody was coming from at the time they chose the capital. At least it's not Taunton


Weenie_Hut_Jr_ t1_j6xdu0n wrote

1630 is when Boston became the capital of the Massachusetts bay colony so that definitely checks out


Graflex01867 t1_j706h20 wrote

We’re the “Bay State” - not the “Berkshire State” for a reason.

Maybe you want a different…wait, no, this is the right capitol.


ReporterOther2179 t1_j6xkrwo wrote

North South axis was more important back in the day, as nobody much lived in the hinterlands. Until 1820 northern Mass was Portland and Bangor. Access by sea was the prime concern. Nobody lived there but many traveled there.


Narrow-Ad-440 t1_j6zy01h wrote

Less Crime? Pretty sure Worcester has a higher crime rate than Boston despite a way smaller population