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Mysterious-House-51 t1_j9ay3ef wrote

Suspension really isn't a consequence anyway tbh. More like a mini vacation.


SparkDBowles t1_j9bl38n wrote

In school suspension is the way. Or, make the kids stay to do chores after school.


wittgensteins-boat t1_j9f6rbz wrote

Schools must step up and run a parallel supervised track.

The statute was created, because more than a few districts abandoned the young people to semi-permanent suspension, and there was no learning progress for these I individuals over the course of years.

Basically the population requires a variety of a special needs program.


Mary10123 t1_j9dcbau wrote

I agree, suspensions did next to nothing for kids who got em, and less than nothing for kids who didn’t and has those kids in class with them. If kids don’t want to learn, they won’t, if kids do want to learn they will. I was an achieving student with friends who weren’t and segregated from me, I learned a lot from those friends and wouldn’t have done as well at life without them, don’t try to control the world with these weird ideologies