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charons-voyage t1_ja8p9zx wrote

Yeah and the bill allows $20K of federal to be waived…many ppl still need private loans.


GottaVentAlt t1_ja9ez8j wrote

I just wish the deadline wasn't so set in stone. I don't have much in terms of undergrad loans since I did the community college+work+ applying to a fuckton of scholarships thing. But I did qualify for Pell. It took me 5 years to get my degree and I missed out on some good opportunities but I avoided loans. I started graduate school and had to take a lot of loans, but none of them are eligible for forgiveness.

It sucks because if I had just gone straight to a four year school, I would have started grad school a year ago and those loans would be eligible. Instead I'm seeing my peers who were less careful get forgiveness and I get nothing.

I'm glad people are getting help but it's a bummer playing the rent or groceries game now so I can take out 15k next year instead of 20.