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twistedredd t1_ja8witp wrote

Student loans became preditory when the government took them over during Obama's time. After that the government sublet the loans out to a multitude of private companies. It was so bad that you didn't know who had your loan. Couldn't find it.

If you read nothing else read this:

The us government has written into it's budget the fines and fees from these student loans for 20 years. That means the government leans heavily on people just starting their lives and trying to make their lives better. It's written in the budget. They count on failure ie fines and fees. They made it difficult for people to pay. It's called predatory lending. And idk y this isn't WIDELY known or understood about student loans or the cost of education.

In reality and "doing the math", even the best education, in a good building, with good books and well educated well paid teachers would never cost 70k a year per student. It's an inflated price and there is no way to account for that expenditure. Where does it go?

And still every year the government say they can't pay their bills. and every year college costs increase.

This is 100% on the US government. They could set limits for the cost of education and raise standards but they don't. Why?


ProdigiousNewt07 t1_ja95zef wrote

> They could set limits for the cost of education and raise standards but they don't. Why?

Because then there'd be fewer functionally illiterate useful idiots like OP that willingly work against working class interests and foolishly advocate for self-destructive conservative policies that protect entrenched power and the status quo.


UsernameTaken93456 t1_ja9d75w wrote

So much of this is incorrect

>the government took them over during Obama's time.

The government did not take over student loans during Obama's presidency. From the 1990s on, there were two types of federal loans with the exact same amounts and interest rates. Direct loans or FFEL loans. They consolidated all federal loans into the direct loan process.

>well educated well paid teachers would never cost 70k a year

Ok, and you can't borrow $70k per year in federal loans, at least not as an undergrad. Undergrads can borrow a few thousand dollars a year in federal loans.

>could set limits for the cost of education

How? They can't even set limits on the price of insulin. How are they going to get 3000+ entities to agree on a price?

Look, student loans are a massive problem. I personally think the answer is to stop requiring a college education for every single job, to make sure everyone gets a living wage for full days work, and for the feds to stop giving any funds to private schools and colleges, but that's a mich bigger problem