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halfnelson73 t1_j93gj2f wrote

Too bad congress voted to side with this pos and forbid the rail workers from going on strike.


milkfiend t1_j94d2bv wrote

Too bad Republicans in Congress voted against the Democratic plan to give the workers what they wanted, you mean.


NowakFoxie t1_j94pewo wrote

Democrats, including Biden, the "most pro-union president in history", are just as complicit with the Ohio disaster as Republicans are. Only 8 Democrats voted against the Railway Labor Act, which forced rail unions to accept a contract that benefitted railway companies instead of the workers and stripped them of their bargaining power.


Ignitemare t1_j95q4cq wrote

Our boy Jim McGovern voted to impose that bullshit contract and was complicit in allowing them to get away with the trickery of splitting the contract and the sick days into two separate things so they can cherry pick what they get to give the workers.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j98g3yg wrote

There is no difference between Republican and Democrat, two sides of the same coin. Once you embrace that you'll come to understand that the division isn't about anything but division. It's not R or D anymore, that's all smoke, it's all of us against all of them. We fight about some things that have merit but mostly split hairs over stupid shit. In the mean time America is disappearing, it's being carved up and confiscated by them. "You'll own nothing and be happy with that."


milkfiend t1_j95c454 wrote

And if the Republicans hadn't blocked the other bill no strike would have been necessary.

You're acting like a strike should have been allowed to happen, which is debatable given the massive damage it would have caused to the broader economy. Hundreds of thousands of other people would have lost their jobs, is that relevant for you?


Ignitemare t1_j95qcaw wrote

That's the fuckin point of a strike like this. Organized labor disrupts capital. They have the money, but we've got the bodies that do the work.

We stop working they stop making money. It's pretty damn clear the bottom line is the only thing that matters to them.

Organized labor has ALL the power unless the government comes in like it did and kneecaps them.