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t1_j7pirgo wrote


t1_j7pneb0 wrote

What part of “federal” did you not understand?


t1_j7q34sg wrote

Easy to understand. The point is there is no reason to wait. You can solve the problem locally. We do t have to sit back and wait for Washington to do everything for us.

It’s not being solved locally here because democrats equally don’t want to solve it. This isn’t a republican exclusive thing.


t1_j7q94nj wrote

Biden is a republican??


t1_j7qbgu4 wrote

The POTUS doesn’t write laws, do they?


t1_j7qbsuj wrote

Presidents have drafted and submitted legislation via friendly reps / senators. More importantly, if Biden weren't to sign off on the notional legislation, it would take a supermajority to enact without his signature / over his veto. POTUS has a role.
