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spitfish t1_j7pz58m wrote

If you want to change our civil forfeiture laws, contact your local & state representatives. Find your State legislator It's the only way it will ever change.


ak47workaccnt OP t1_j7pzv60 wrote

I contacted James Arciero about it almost a year ago. This was his office's response:

>Civil asset forfeiture seems to be an issue whose time has come and gone. We do not see any momentum for its increased use as a tool of law enforcement.

Unfortunately he had no primary challenger last election. Plus I took it to mean that he doesn't really have the pull in the statehouse to get anything done about it.


spitfish t1_j7q512l wrote

Hi again! I was thinking about this comment on an older thread while writing this. In your case, I wonder if contacting the party itself would have any impact.