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solarjazzman OP t1_ja3u0d7 wrote

So why are you against it then? Sounds like that’s gonna make you rich :)

How does it work in all other developed countries then? And how is this socialism? Are public schools / police / fire departments are also socialist?

Try to find at least one country that has the same healthcare payer model as the U.S. There are none among developed. We’ve been told these scary stories about public healthcare for way too long, but look at the rest of the world, don’t just blindly believe what you are told.


Positive-Material t1_ja41ly2 wrote

Well, people who are on Medicare and Medicaid, just demand crazy stuff because it is free and their doctors and nurses just overbill things via fraud. You need combination of capitalism and socialism, but you just can't have a free system, because both patients and providers will milk it.


solarjazzman OP t1_ja42xbh wrote

Agree that there should be checks in place to prevent and prosecute fraud. It won’t be a simple solution.

That’s why the insurance-paid healthcare is a problem in general. It is broken by design, enabling enrichment of the healthcare providers (hospitals and clinics). The only real solution, I believe, is local government-run clinics and hospitals, just like public schools. Then people will have a choice to either stick with public healthcare or go private (again, just like K-12 schools) supported by local taxes.


Positive-Material t1_ja48ear wrote

Checks in place do not work as people get fixated on letter of the law and find ways to work around it.. simply look at the fraud, abuse and criminality within the police departments..