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Chippopotanuse t1_ja4q6w5 wrote

How many millionaires have left Mass so far? The whole “rich people will leave if we tax them” really doesn’t carry water. It is used to scare people into voting against their interests.

Bob Kraft ain’t leaving. Nor is someone who is working downtown. Where are they gonna go? To NYC or CA (that have higher taxes?)

And I think COVID showed folks how quickly their jobs can evaporate. Having health care tied to employers is a really fucked up thing that only Americans love and adore.

If you have cancer and are relying upon employer-based health care…better hope you or your spouse never get downsized when a new round of chemo is coming up.


modernhomeowner t1_ja4tsni wrote

The pro-tax movement, in their own calculations knew some would leave, so it's either dishonest or just head-in-the-sand to say it's not going to happen. That tax was an extra up-to 4%, this is another 10%. I do know there isn't enough information in this healthcare law to really know it's implications. Right now, everything is great in my and a lot of people's healthcare. I wouldn't give up what we have for a plan that isn't even a real plan, just a few ideas. I'm not afraid of the what if I lose my employer plan, there are safety nets of cobra, mass health, connector, etc. What I am afraid of is a bill that says I have to lose my current coverage and didn't say it I can keep my cancer hospital or medications.