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Correct_Surround_351 t1_j9omgll wrote

I used to only buy lawn seats when I was younger, but some years ago they shrunk the lawn area to just the very back, so I don’t think it’s as good of an experience now. Depending on the show you are going to, buying seats might not be too expensive and is probably the best option.

Make sure you plan enough time to get to the concert, traffic can be really bad. I would also recommend “blue lot” parking. You have to pay extra but you will get right out after the show and it’s worth it in my opinion. It’s across the street from the venue.

There is also a Marriott property within walking distance.


IntelligentMeal40 t1_j9q5bnx wrote

Oh damn then OP disregard my comment about the lawn it’s been along time since I’ve been there it was before whatever changes this person is talking about