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UniWheel t1_j9lujn7 wrote

As others have explained it's based on the original price degraded by age.

But the age table stops at 10% for five years and older.

Both of your vehicles are are over 5 years old, so you're really just seeing the difference in their original list prices

Perhaps that things level off after 5 years seems unfair. On the other hand, we could ask what the value of the vehicle should have to do with the tax amount at all. It might make more sense to base the taxes on the impact of the vehicle, at which point older is perhaps actually have more impact than newer.

It may be simplest to look at the value is being used as a proxy for ability to pay and the reduction is capped so that everyone ends up paying something.

Like most tax policies, it's imperfect in many ways - but good luck getting agreement to move to a different imperfection.


wsdog t1_j9mf98b wrote

This tax funds schools and other town services, so it's a proxy to an income tax. Want a luxury car - pay more. It doesn't deal with "impact". Impact is taxed by the gasoline tax.


sporky211 t1_j9pgnp2 wrote

This may be changing soon as the Attorney general has certified three versions of the proposed ballot question to get rid of the gas tax in 2024. If anybody is interested in signing a petition for the group i will post the link below.


wsdog t1_j9phv49 wrote

I drive an EV, so I don't care really


throwsplasticattrees t1_j9pqu44 wrote

Any information of what the plan is to replace those funds? Gas tax is unsustainable, a vehicle miles traveled tax will be a more effective means to fund road maintenance. But if the plan is to simply eliminate the gas tax with no replacement or dedicated road funding, it's a foolish endeavor.

We don't want our roads subject to annual appropriations. We want the funding proportional to the amount the roads are used since that's what drives maintenance costs.


throwsplasticattrees t1_j9pqe1t wrote

My understanding of the excuse tax is that it funds road maintenance and repair through Chapter 90 and does not support municipal general funds. It's not a proxy for income tax, it's a supplement to gas tax.