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MikeD123999 t1_j9muddx wrote

I always thought excise tax should be lower on new cars and should rise based on the age of the car. Seems like an older car would cause more wear on the roads than that of a new car


chevyadsict83 t1_j9p4wbx wrote

Please explain this one, i can't wrap my head around it.


MikeD123999 t1_j9r8ai3 wrote

New cars are more efficient. As cars age they wear and become less efficient. Some cars as they get older leak fluids like oil and radiator fluid etc that contaminate the ground and although some people probably maintain their vehicles, i would suspect most people wouldn’t notice. Its also probably a good idea to steer people to newer cars for economic reasons too. So basically, older cars are more damaging to the road and environment which is why they should pay higher excise tax too

And lets get rid of manual transmission too


BlimeySlimeySnake t1_j9y5d6p wrote

"I've always felt we should tax poor people more for not having money"


MikeD123999 t1_j9y8txh wrote

Hey man, not cool. We shouldn’t label people like that. This is merica, anyone can have a nice smartphone and nice car