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RandomRandomPenguin t1_j8i6x9u wrote

I love how you conveniently ignored that the Supreme Court in MA agrees that his conduct was unfit. Pretty sure they know what makes a qualified judge.


Hen-stepper t1_j8i9jdo wrote

A slap on the wrist so that people would leave them alone? So you agree with a reprimand and not a firing? Okay then.


RandomRandomPenguin t1_j8ial78 wrote

Way to move the goalposts dude. There is a world that you agree with the evaluation but disagree with the consequence. Or is your brain too mushy to contemplate that?

Maybe just take a breather here and realize your position is full of holes

Edit: did you serious just block me because you couldn’t take the discussion?


Hen-stepper t1_j8iccql wrote

You cited the SJC’s actions and now you are upset that I referenced that same resource?

You think you can bully other people around because they don’t conform to your ideology. That’s what this is about and it is coming out right now. People of your ilk made the political right into what they are the day today.