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OP t1_j8irbjw wrote

Also if someone was looking through a receptacle for lost papers then the top would be off and could not close if you fell in make asphyxia difficult.


t1_j8iwdlm wrote

I wouldn’t venture a guess myself about the falling inside part, but positional asphyxia wouldn’t require the lid to be on. The “positional” part of that term refers to suffocating because something is constricting your breathing. Maybe her chest or diaphragm was compressed, or her neck in some way, and she wasn’t able to free herself. That can result in death even if fresh air is flowing.


t1_j8isxxi wrote



t1_j8iwbtd wrote

“positional asphyxiation” (I googled it) happens when your neck is bent in such a way that constricts or completely blocks your air flow… (totally paraphrasing)