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MOGicantbewitty t1_j8k61o1 wrote

Did you read my comment? Many more people. So many more drivers and much more wear & tear. Per mile is not the relevant statistic here. If you actually did this for a living you would know. I do.


PabloX68 t1_j8k8psq wrote

You engineer roads for a living? Do tell.

Sorry but the traffic levels don't change the instant you cross the border. Bring your Prius up to 80mph and drive that stretch I pointed to and tell me the MA part isn't worse.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j8ka5xd wrote

Lmao. I don’t drive a Prius, but you are showing your ass with that comment and your sources. Move to NH if you like it so much. It’s a much better place for libertarians who are so biased against the government that they can’t evaluate evidence appropriately.

And actually, I do plenty of work around roadways design, evaluation, permitting, maintenance, upgrades etc. You don’t have to engineer roads to know how the are funded and constructed. In fact, an engineer knows nothing about funding mechanisms. I do that exact work for a living. Yup. Did you think I would prove it and doxx myself? Lol

You are a walking Dunning Kruger effect.

I hope you get a chance to move to a place where you will be happier. I can’t waste any more time educating you when you don’t want to learn anything. Bye!


[deleted] t1_j8kay3c wrote



MOGicantbewitty t1_j8kb554 wrote

Lol, sure thing. Bye!!


PabloX68 t1_j8kcqck wrote

If you can look at roads in MA and the money we spend on them and think it's all good, you've clearly been brainwashed.

Realize you doing a shitty job costs normal people money and puts them in danger. Sleep well.